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Hail and welcome to ViccWiccWicca!

Whether you'd like to chat in the Merry Meet Forum, play in our free arcade or browse in our shop, we hope that you enjoy your stay here and find reason to return!  So please consider registering to see all the topics of the forum.  It's completely free, easy to use and  the admin team will endeavour to help with any questions you may have.  If you would like to read what our customers have been saying about the service we provide in the shop then please click here to have a look.  Or for product reviews please click on the items themselves inside the shop.

I have always wanted a Wiccan/Pagan site and shop ever since I was small and thanks to Starlus AKA Brian I now do! We opened the forum on the 1st anniversary of my Nans death which was on 14th January 2008 in her memory and the shop opened on the 6th July 2008 at 9pm!  The shop was turned on with many members there for the "turn on of the shop" so was loads of fun.  Our aim is to be the household name, have customers coming back and spread the word that just because you are buying online does not mean that you dont get the customer service and care.  Every item is hand wrapped in beautiful paper and hand tied bow.  I like to bring people together from the Wiccan/Pagan household.  We have many laughs on the site and have lovely loyal customers.

We also hold live booked online chats, 2 per month.  You can chat anytime, but we have arranged ones to try and get everyone in at the same time so we can all catch up!  You need to be a forum member to be able to enter the chat room, or as we call it our "Online Moot".  The booked chats are held in "The Tavern" room.  Please see our "Wheel of the Year" for our next one, or our countdown clock on the right.

If you offer a service that you feel would be of benefit to our members/customers please contact us as we now offer a very competitive rate of advertising.  For example Reiki, crystal healing, moots, covens etc.
Brightest Blessings,

ViccWicc and Starlus

© Copyright 2008-2014 ViccWiccWicca